Master Data
Before myWMS LOS can be taken fully into operation, it must be provided with appropriate master data. This master data is the basis for the procedures.
They may only be modified by users with the role ‘Admin ‘.
For the data input and maintenance the customer is responsible and he adaptes it to his individual requirements
1. Setting up master data
To set up the master data please go one by one. Between the various master data there are dependencies that have to be observed and entered. First read in this document about what is required. Then, define master data in the given order.
2. Program Master Data
2.1. Roles
The permissions in myWMS LOS are granted by a role based concept.
In this concept, a role has designated permissions.
A user has one or more roles. He inherits the permissions of the roles.
The following table shows an overview over the predefined roles of myWMS LOS.
name of role | assigned to | permissions |
Admin | System Administrator | All |
Inventory | Advisor | Perform stock changing operations |
Operator | Store Operato | Goods in / Goods out / Transportation |
Foreman | Store Forema | Advanced permissions in operative business |
Clearing | | Handle clearing events |
Special dialog permissions
Entity explorer
CRUD operations directly on the selectes entities Edit, Create and Delete in detail-area of the dialog.
2.2. Clients
The functionality of the client is implemented for the purpose of ‘One warehouse with one responsible operator and some large customers’.
The system client (operator) has all permissions. He is able to work unrestricted with the data of all clients.
A major customer (client) is only permitted to work with his ‘own’ data. The data of other clients/customers is not visible to him.
The private data of a client is for example material, storage locations, stocks and orders.
There is also non-client related master data. These are general master data of the warehouse. These data is available to all clients, but can only be maintained by the system client.
The client control can be used in different ways:
a) Only one (system) client.
This eliminates the functionality of client control. But the overhead is eliminated too.
b) More than one client, all users are assigned to the system client.
It is possible to distinguish between the material and stocks of the clients. The handling of all processes can be done by every user.
With the optional definition of client-assigned storage locations, it is possible to distinguish the physical storage of the materials.
c) More than one client and client-assigned users.
Not only the materials and stocks are distinguished. The handling processes are distinguished too. The simple client is only permitted to handled ‘his own’ processes and data.
This option is useful, if i.e. a major customer should have a direct insight into the system. But he should not have access to the data of other customers.
Hybrids with option b) are possible.
Detailed description of the fields:
Name: Name of the client.
ID: ID of the client.
Number: Number of clients. This field is displayed in the dependent data sets.
System Client: This flag is set to true for the ‘owner’ of the warehouse.
Telephone, email, fax: address of the client. Just for info.
2.3. User
myWMS LOS is handling system access with an user account.
In order to access the data of the system or launch any actions, an identification is necessary.
Currently, the authentication with user name and password is provided.
By assigning a user to a client access permissions (see client) are controlled.
Detailed description of the fields:
First name, last name, phone, email: address of the user. Just for info.
Locale: language code used in the presentation of the program interface.
Name: The login name. This value is entered to log into the system.
Password: The password of the user. It is shown encrypted in MD5 in this view. When editing the password is entered in plain text and automatically encrypted when saved.
2.4. System Properties
With the system properties, certain features of myWMS LOS can be configured. System properties are client- and workstation related. That means that a property can be set separately for a client or for a workstation.
E.g. the default value for the goods receipt location is stored in a system property. So at the terminal on ramp 1 this gate is shown, whilst on the terminal at ramp 2 the other gate is shown.
2.5. Jasper Reports
As a standard tool for creating reports myWMS LOS uses Jasper Reports.
The forms or layouts required for the generation of a report are created in the database.
The reports are client-dependent. e.g. for each client his own layout can be deposited. For each layout must also exist an entry for the system client. This is used as default if no client specific layout is stored.
The reports can be read as XML files (Jasper Reports JRXML). During runtime these are compiled once and stored in compiled form in the database. When calling the individual reports no new compile is necessary.
Note! The report definition depends on the used version of Jasper Reports. As a compiler ‘Java’ must be given. Sub-reports, or other methods that cause an ambiguous layout are not supported.
The dialog shows the available reports.
3. Store Master Data
3.1. Zones
With zones special requirements of storage are modelled. The zone references both the storage location and the material. When searching for a location during storage process this assignment is taken into account. Only a location in the appropriate zone will be proposed.
This classification can be used for:
- ABC classification
- Dangerous goods
- Cooled products
- …
The store is divided into A-B-and C-zone.
First define the zones. You can then assign these zones to location master data and item data on setup or provide the zones with the import files.
3.2. Location Clusters
Location cluster help in the spatial organization of the storage.It combines storage places with the same (spatial) properties. In the work areas then will be directed only to the location cluster.
3.3. Functional Areas
The predefined functional areas form a logical layout of the warehouse.
Each storage location must be assigned to a functional area.
Detailed description of the fields:
Name: A unique identifier.
Stock: Complete unit loads can be stored and rearranged.
Replenish: The material is available for replenishment.
Picking: The material is made available for the picking.
Goods in: Use for goods in.
Goods out: Use for goods out.
Transfer: transfer locations
3.4. Working Areas + Positions
The working areas determine where myWMS LOS automatically searches for assignable orders. E.g. orders in a forklift control system.To each working area belongs a list of storage groups. Dispatchable orders must be based on storage areas with the respective groups.Since the working areas are based on the storage groups, all storage areas must be assigned to groups. Orders that refer to places without storage group can not be processed.
3.5. Unit Load Types
Each unit load is assigned to a unit load type. The unit load type describes the general characteristics of the unit load, such as dimensions or weight.
These types are used to e.g. control the occupancy of storage locations.
Please be cautious with the definition of various types. There are limitations, for example that only identical types may be stored on a storage location. Are there too many different types defined, the storage locations cannot be used optimally.
Detailed description of the fields:
Name: A unique key.
Height, width, depth: Dimensions. Just for info.
Weight: The weight of the unit load.
3.6. Storage Location Types
Each storage location is assigned to a storage location type. The storage location type describe the different physical storage locations.
By the type the strategies determine how the storage location is occupied.
Detailed description of the fields:
Name: A unique key.
Height, width, depth: Dimensions. Just for info.
Lifting Capacity: The maximum allowable weight.
3.7. Capacities
Capacity constraints are rules that control the allocation of the storage locations. For this, the unit load type is set in conjunction with the location type.
In the dialog, you give rules, how much percentage one unit loads of a certain type allocates a storage location of a certain type.
If there are no constraints on a storage location, all unit loads are allowed to be put on this location. This is used to handle system locations or handover locations.
Detailed description of the fields:
Type of storage locations: A unique key.
Type of unit load: the dimensions. Just for info.
Type: The method for storage location allocation
• One unit load type. On the storage location only one type of unit loads is allowed
• Mixed unit load types. On the storage location various types of unit loads are allowed
Allocation: Percentage. Proportion of the storage location which is occupied by a unit load.
3.8. Racks
Through the masta data racks and aisles storage locations are grouped.
Detailed description of the fields:
Name: A unique identifier.
Aisle: The identifier of the aisles, where the rack is located
Description of functions:
Sorting storage locations: With this function, the picking sequence of the storage locations of the shelf are recalculated. The picking order bases on the sorting index of the storage location. This index is rewritten with this dialogue. Starting from an initial value the storage locations get a new sorting index depending on their X, Y and Z coordinates.
With this method different walks can be given for one aisle. E.g. on the one side and back the other, or both sides simultaneously.
Various courses can be syncronised by the start value.
3.9. Storage Locations
In this dialog, all storage locations of the warehouse are defined.
Before starting with the definition of storage location, it is useful to think about the labels.
The manually or via forklift operated warehouse consists of shelves that are typically backside joined together. Each shelf is accessible from a lane that branches off from the center aisle. Each shelf is made of storage compartments in the horizontal and vertical directions. The area between two shelve uprights is known as the field. All storage locations have certain dimensions and are for the single depth intake of unit loads (eg Euro pallets) designed.
On the traverses per each storage location a label is placed, on which the storage location name is encoded as a bar code and in plain text and possibly a check digit.
The name of the storage location should be easy to recognize visually. It has to be entered or scanned to identify the location. If it is scanned per barcode, the code should be as compact as possible.
Another issue is the sorting of the picking orders. They are sorted by the location names! Should picking use simultaneously locations on the left and right, the naming must be different than if first all left and than all right locations are used.
A logically clear and easily recognizable subdivision is important in any case.
Example: A4-021-3
A4 = Rack or Aisle
02 = Field in Rack
1 = Location in field
3 = Level
Der storage location A4-021-3 is the fourth rack in hall A, there in the second field the first location in the third level.
Import of storage locations
With the menu item ‘File – import – Rack & Locations’ you can import XML files in Microsoft Excel 2003 XML format. A template is here.
1. Download the template
2. Open the template in Microsoft Excel, OpenOffice Calc, LibreOffice Calc or a XML editor
3. Edit the file (a row for each storage location) and save it (in Microsoft Excel 2003 XML format!)
4. Import of this file
Structure of the file:
Halle | Gasse | Regal | Fach | Ebene | Festplatzartikel | Fachtyp | Bereich | Kapazitätsbeschränkung | Mandant |
X | | 3 | 011 | 1 | | Pallet | Store | 1 EURO | System |
The headers of the table have to be this keywords. Please do not translate them.
Detailed description of the fields:
Halle (Hall): The hall area (A-Z)
Gasse (Aisle): The aisle that the rack is served by (1…)
Regal (Rack): The number of the rack (1…)
Ebene (Level): The level of the storage location (1…)
Fach (Field): The field of the storage location within the level
Festplatzartikel (Fixed Item): The given number is interpreted as an item data number. This one is fix assigned to the storage location.
Fachtyp (Location type): An existing storage location type
Mandant (Client): The client that owns the storage location. Mostly it is the system client.
The example above will create the following storage location:
Detailed description of the fields:
Client: Is the storage location assigned to a client (except system client), only stocks of that client are stored in the storage location. Storage locations of the system client can be placed with material of each client.
Name: A unique identifier.
Location cluster: The storage group of the client
Range: The functional area that is associated with the storage location.
Type: The type of storage location.
Rack: The shelf, which is associated with the storage location.
X, Y, Z: Integer positions of the storage location.
Field: The field in which the storage location is located. Required for overcrowding.
Field index: Position within a field.
Sorting index: Integer value. After this field, picking routes are sorted.
Allocation (%): Percentage of the storage location, which is occupied or reserved for allocation.
Capacity: The assignment rule currently in use. This value is automatically
set for access and release of the storage location of the system. Do not change this value in the master data maintenance.
Unit loads: A list of unit loads available in the storage location.
Last Stocktaking: The date on which the storage location was last counted in inventory.
Description of functions:
Lock Entity: The data set is provided with a selectable block indicator.
Reservations release: Existing reservations / allocations are removed from the storage location.
The storage area is therefore no longer in use and is available for new storage. If material is still on the storage location, this can lead to unexpected behavior.
Create stocktaking order: For the storage location an inventory counting is created.
3.10. Fixed Location Assignment
With the fixed location assignment, storage locations are designated to certain materials.
These settings for example are required for the establishment of dedicated picking locations.
Detailed description of the fields:
Location: The affected storage space.
Item Data: The assigned item.
Desired Amount: The quantity of the item that matches the maximum storage space.
4. Material Master Data
4.1. Item Units
Each item is assigned to a standard unit of measure. These units are stored here as master data.
4.2. Item Data
In the item data definitions the various items are defined.
Detailed description of the fields:
Client: Only the specified client (and the system client) have access to this product. All stocks of the article are created for this client.
Number: The unique item number.
Name: A detailed description.
Description: A long description.
Safety Stock: For special deployment.
Default Unit Load Type: This unit load type is used in several goods receipt and stocktaking processes as default value for new stock creation.
Trade Group: For special deployment.
EAN-Codes: A List of additional identifiers. (see EAN-Codes).
Zone: The default zone of the item. Is used is storage location search.
Advice Mandatory: For special deployment.
Lot Mandatory: A Flag that directs, whether a lot is mandatory for this item.
Lot substitution: Regulates, whether a lot may be replaced by another one.
Residual Term Of Usage (GI): The minimal remaining term of the item on goods receipt.
Serial Record: Regulates, whether or when a serialnumber has to be captured for a stock.
Number of Decimals: The number of decimals displayed for the amounts of the item.
Handling Unit: The unit of measure.
Height, Width, Depth: The dimensions of the item.
Weicht: The weight of the item.
Attention! Not all fields of the item data are evaluated by myWMS in the current processes. Which propertie is used at which process, is determined by the particular application process. The item master data offer the possibility to store this information.
Import of item data
With the menu item ‘File – import – Item Data‘ you can import XML files in Microsoft Excel 2003 XML format. A template is here.
1. Download the template
2. Open the template in Microsoft Excel, OpenOffice Calc, LibreOffice Calc or a XML editor
3. Edit the file (a row for each storage location) and save it (in Microsoft Excel 2003 XML format!)
4. Import of this file
Structure of the file:
Mandant | Nummer | Name | Beschreibung | LHM-Typ | Chargenpflicht | Einheit |
System | 21740001 | Item 21740001 | Description of 21740001 | EURO | YES | Pcs |
The headers of the table have to be this keywords. Please do not translate them.
Detailed description of the fields:
Mandant (Client): The Client of the item
Nummer (Number): The number of the item
Name (Name): The name of the item
Beschreibung (Description): The description of the item
LHM-Type (Unit load type): The default unit load type of the item
Chargenpflicht (Lot mandatory): The flag for manatory lot. (YES / NO)
Einheit (Unit): The unit of measure
4.3. EAN-Codes
In addition to the part number, there are other identifiers. This can for example be EAN- or UPC-codes. It can also be custom codes of the manufacturer of the goods. These additional item numbers must clearly refer to one item. It is not possible to have one additional number referring to several items.
Detailed description of the fields:
Number: A unique identifier.
Item Data: The affected article
Index: For special deployment.
Manufacturer: The manufacturer of the item. Just for info
4.4. Bills of Material
In this list items will be combined into one bill.
One item is the master. To this master any number of items can be assigned.
Detailed description of the fields:
Master: The master article.
Part: The part article.
Amount: The amount of sub-articles that are required to form the BOM.
Index: Sorting the list.
5. Strategien
5.1.Storage Strategy
Searching for a storing position with the help of a storage strategy.
Detailed description of the fields:
Name: A unique identifier.
Use Zone of Item: The strategy searches only storage locations that have the same fixed zone as the article.
Zone: Only storage locations in the specified zone.
This setting is only active when ‘Use zone article’ is not set.
Use Area Storage: Only storage locations in functional areas with ‘stock’ can be used.
Use Area Picking: Only bins in functional areas with ‘picking’ can be used.
Mix Item on Location: On a storage location several articles may be mixed.
Mix Clients on Location: On a storage location several articles may be mixed.
Use Clients Locations: Setting if the clients are treated preferentially.
Order by: Various options for sorting the storage locations.
5.2. Order Strategy
With the help of strategies for stock removal settings for outbound orders are made.These relate to the selection of outsourced resources as well as the implementation of removal orders.
The strategy is written together with the removal order or sales order into the system.It is thus not depending on the item.
In general, the stock selection is done strictly according to FIFO. However, there areswitches that rank higher other criteria.
Detailed description of the fields:
Client: The client for who the release order is written.
Name: A unique identifier
Default target location: A target location for the pick
Index Dialog: Controls the display in the selection list for manual order creation.
(less than 0 will not displayed)
Create shipping order: After picking a shipping order for the sales order is automatically generated.
Create follow up picks: When shortfalls occur in picking, the system automatically tries to find replacement material.
Use locked stock: Also stocks are used, which are blocked.
Use locked lot: Also lots are used, that are blocked.
Prefer unopened unit loads: Can an unopened unit load be fully used, it will be accepted over FIFO.
Prefer matching stock: Can a suitable unit load be completely used for a position, it will be accepted over FIFO.