
Inventory Data

In the inventory data you will find the current stocks. The stock unit, item amounts unit loads and their location assignment is displayed.
This information is changed with every movement in the warehouse.


In the lots, additional information to the (production) lot of a stock units is stored. Not every item must have a lot.

Screenshot Dialog mywms-los Client Lots

Detailed description of the terms used in the dialog:
Name: The name of the lot
Item Data: The number of the item, which is connected to the lot
Date: The date of the lot
Use not before:The first date, when the material will be valid
Use not after: The last date, until the material is valid. It is used as best-before date 

Description of functions:
Extinguish lot

In the context menu of the lot you will get the function ‘Extinguish Lot‘.

With this function, an extinguish order will be generated for all stock units of every selected lot. An extinguish order creates a picking order for all available stock units of the selected lot.

Other parameters for the preparation and processing of extinguish orders can be set via the order strategy. The settings for the stock selection will be ignored, since all available are selected.

2. Stock Units

A stock unit shows an amount of an item on one unit load or storage location. Thereby all single peaces of the stock unit have identical qualities and are replaceable.

Screenshot Dialog mywms-los Client Stock Units Loads

Detailed description of the terms used in the dialog:
The client owns the stock unit.
Unit Load:
The unit load or locad carrier on which the stock unit is placed.
Location: The name of the storage location where the stock unit or unit load is placed.
Label: A unique identifier of the storage unit.
Serial-No: The serial number (if available).
Strategy-Date: Based on this date the FIFO is performed. This panel is usually filled with the creation date of the stock unit. For unit loads with a lot the „best-before“ of this lot is used.
Item Data: The number of the item data of the stock unit.
Item Unit: The unit of measure.
Lot: The name of the lot (if available).
Amount: The current amount of the stock unit.
Reserved Amount: The current reserved amount of the stock unit. A reservation is done for picking orders.
Available Amount: The amount that is available, taking into account the reservation. 

Description of functions:
Lock entity:
The dataset is provided with a selectable block indicator. Thus it is no longer available at stock.

Send to nirwana (delete): In myWMS stock units are principally not deleted directly. This can be done in a separate process. Stock units and unit loads which have to be deleted are moved first to a location named ‘Nirvana’. There they get a dedicated lock and are no more visible for normal operation.

3. Unit Loads

Detailed description of the terms used in the dialog:
The client owns the stock unit.
Label ID:
A unique identifier or barcode of the unit load.
The type of the unit load.
Packing Type: The packing type determines how to merge stock on an unit load.

  • Mixed: Any material may be mixed.

  • Mixed with consolidation: Any material may be mixed. Identical items / lots will be merged.

  • Same material: Only material of one article is allowed on this unit load.

  • Same material with consolidation: Only material of one article is allowed on this unit load. Identical items / lots may be merged.

  • Same lot: Material from only one lot must be stored to the unit load.

  • Same lot with consolidation: Material from only one lot must be stored to the unit load. Identical items / lots may be merged.

  • Container: Any material may be mixed. Stock lists and stock weight on this unit load are not updated for performance reasons.

Location: The storage location, where the unit load is currently placed.
Storage units: A list of storage units that are located on the loading unit.
The weight of the unit loads. If an explicitly weighed weight is present, this will be displayed. Otherwise, the calculated weight.
Opened: This flag is set when an increase or deduction has been made on a unit load. Unopened unit loads can be accounted for in the retrieval strategies.
Carrier: The carrier is said if the current unit load is on a carrying unit load.
Child unit loads: When the current unit load is a carrier here is the list of the unit loads thereon. 

Description of functions:
Lock entity:
The dataset is provided with a selectable block indicator. Thus it is no longer available on stock.
Send to nirwana (delete): In myWMS stock units are principally not deleted directly. This can be done in a separate process. Stock units and unit loads which have to be deleted are moved first to a location named ‘Nirvana’. There they get a dedicated lock and are no more visible for normal operation.
