Aktuelles myWMS–The warehouse management system myWMS Professional Edition SaaS – Software for Rent myWMS-LOS Plug-ins Pick-by-Voice Scan-2-Light Pick-by-Light Track & Race THINGtelligence Material flow control Service Contact myWMS LOS Plug-ins myWMS LOS is an open-source warehouse management: It covers all the basic functions from the goods receipt to the paperless order picking to shipping and inventory. For simple warehouses the system can be adapted with a few steps for operational use. As in the modular design principles, additional modules can be put together with the warehouse management software myWMS LOS. LinogistiX offers an individual and efficient inventory management through different ways of integration. Partner companies bring their software into the platform, such as the Lanfer Cargo Technik GmbH & Co. KG with its product “THINGtelligence”, the perdictum GmbH & Co. KG with their product “Pick-by-Voice”, the iX-tech GmbH with their product “Scan-2-Light”, or the Indyon GmbH with a fork lift system called “Track and Race”, that is combinable with myWMS LOS.